
    Vidyalaya Plan


    Monthly Academic Calendar of Activities
    April & May Setting of Academic Target

    Vidya Pravesh for Class-I

    June & July Sharing of the best Pedagogical Practices
    August 2nd Quarterly NIPUN Meeting

    School Level workshop for all teachers on Competency
    Based Education and Assessment

    September Review of Coverage of Syllabus before Tests and
    Review of Action Taken of Academic Supervision & Plan of
    Action thereof.
    October Showcasing of best practices & adopted by KVs for
    Promotion of Culture of Innovation and Experimentation
    under “Leading from Front” initiative.
    Review of Language Learning in KV and efforts made for
    Promotion of Communication Skills in Foundational,
    Preparatory, Middle and Secondary Stage
    November 3rd Quarterly NIPUN Meeting

    Review of Learning Social Science and Skill Education
    Review of Integration of Mission LiFE in classroom

    December Strategy for focused Revision and follow up after of PreBoard Examination.
    Special Classes for Class- X & XII